Proven Success Across a Wide Range of Industries and Applications

Transform Data Into Intelligence,
Outperform Competition and Improve
Internal and External Service

IoT Enables Process Reengineering

At the core of Trackable solutions is COTS commercial-off-the-shelf software that is rapidly and inexpensively configurable for any industry or application. Each new feature added for a client is embedded into the underlying IoT software code and becomes readily available for all future customers.

Trackable solutions support bar coding, QR Codes, UFH RFID, Active RFID, BLE, GSM and GPS. Security infrastructure is supported including alarms, light stacks, access controls, surveillance cameras, intrusion detection and similar devices and technologies.

Trackable integrates with a customer’s existing backend database solutions, robotics and automation, providing seamless IoT solutions that enable our customers to outperform their competitors, reduce costs, increase profits and enhance customer service.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a disruptive force that is changing business models in just about every industry.

IoT software addresses its key areas of networking and action through platforms, embedded systems, partner systems, and middleware. These individual and master applications are responsible for data collection, device integration, real-time analytics, and application and process extension within the IoT network. They exploit integration with critical business systems (e.g., ordering systems, robotics, scheduling, and more) in the execution of related tasks.



IoT Features and Benefits

Efficiency: It is costly and time-consuming to perform manual processes, and by automated business and operational processes, the savings in time and money are and the efficiencies gained are quite significant. This is especially true in field service environments or other remote operations, when there are issues related to scheduling, dispatching, and travel time.
With IoT, companies can either automate these tasks or perform them remotely, yielding bottom line-boosting efficiencies.

Reliability: With IoT, downtime can be minimized. Sensors in or on industrial or mechanical equipment, for instance, provide early indications of potential failure, allowing intervention at the appropriate times. With IoT sensors, organizations’ don’t have to wait until their equipment fails, nor do they have to make unneeded technician visits to remote sites and check on that equipment on a regular interval.
Equipment diagnosis precedes performance challenges, keeping production and operations running at capacity and avoiding lost personnel productivity manually supporting equipment.

Visibility and Data: Determining the status and position of assets and personnel is challenging and time consuming. With widely deployed IoT sensors, staff and assets such as vehicles, equipment, inventory, and other valuable items can be monitored at all times.
Performance and status data can be made available in real time, which reduces costs, improvs management and enhances customer satisfaction.

Customer Experience: Leveraging IoT produces improvements in customer care by reducing both time to action and the frequency of interactions. Both of those factors are time-consuming and frustrating from the customer’s perspective. IoT devices provide businesses with a better understanding of the customer experience and help them improve it. The benefits of IoT directly improve customer service and client retention.

New Products and Services: As companies embrace and experiment with IoT, they can take what is learned from their own positive experiences and illuminate additional method that IoT-based features can enhance their products and services. Organizations naturally develop innovative approaches that through intelligently adding sensors to equipment, taking advantage of the opportunity to monetize new capabilities such as object and personnel tracking, targeted utilization and predictive targeting of resources.

How we Work: Knowledge derived from IOT improves how people work. Staff are able to leverage augmented and virtual reality based training and support to improve both local environments and field service or remote applications. Employees increasingly come to rely on the data and the assistance that IoT-based solutions deliver, enabling personnel to work more efficiently. Just as voice-activated systems have changed the way consumers interact with their devices and their networks, IoT allows workers to get the data they need instantly and connect immediately with other team members and resources.

Tracking and Security Technology Integration

Trackable COTS software includes support for best-of-breed hardware and tags including bar coding, QR codes, UHF RFID, Active RFID, Bluetooth, GSM an GPS. Trackable also supports leading security technologies and devices including video surveillance, access controls and intrusion detection.

Trackable leverages COTS software and tracking and security technologies to configure optimal IoT solutions for each customer. Be it enterprise asset tracking, real-time personnel mustering or global mapping of any object or person.

Trackable also integrates with a customer’s existing backend software applications, IT infrastructure, robotics and artificial intelligence to deliver the best in IoT, blockchain and big data solutions.

IoTrakz enables outperformance of competitors, operational excellence, maximized profitability and enhanced service.

United States Government Agencies and Military Branches

The United States Air Force manages vast numbers of armaments, weapons, gear, ammo and other military supplies at military bases around the world. Goods are received and managed in warehouses and dispensed to armories for transfer to active soldiers and to security personnel temporarily for their security duty. Trackable staff collaborated with a team of U.S. military personnel to optimize utilization of software, tracking technology and security.

“Trackable’s staff assisted us in updating from clipboards, hanging tags and manual processes to state-of-the-art touch computing and passive RFID tracking, enabling rapid weapon movements and establishment of repeatable ‘best practices’ operations.”

- U.S. Department of Defense